Tuesday 14 February 2012


  1. There where no plastic bags in India before 1985?
  2. Over 1000 elephants were used during the construction of the Taj Mahal?
  3. The mobile users of India grows every month with about 2.5 million people?
  4. There are over 1500 software companies in Bangalore India?
  5. The first reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra India?
  6. The number of births that occur in India each year is higher than the entire population of Australia?
  7. The word mongoose comes from India?
  8. In India, Dutta Samant led a year-long strike in 1982 involved about 200000 workers?
  9. Rusi Surti is the only Indian test cricketer to played Sheffield Shield cricket in Australia?
  10. The airline company Air Deccan was the first low-cost flight company in India?
  11. About 50% of the residents in India are under 25 years old?
  12. The highest cricket ground in the world is Chail in Himachal Pradesh, India?
  13. Indian Railways transport about five billion passengers annually?
  14. The longest station name on the Indian Railways is Venkatanarasimharajuvariapeta?
  15. Indian Railways is the largest employer in the world, about 1.6 million people?
  16. The distance learning University IGNOU in India is short for Indira Gandhi National Open University?
  17. The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana in 800 BC, India?
  18. The world's first known University was established in Takshashila, India in 700BC?
  19. The only country in the world that has a Bill of Rights for Cows is India?
  20. India is the world's largest mango producer?
  21. Calcutta is the only place in the world where you still can travel by riksha pulled by humans?
  22. India has more post offices than any other country?
  23. Hockey is the National Game of India?
  24. The Taj Mahal was in the 1830's scheduled to be torn down?
  25. In India nearly 1200 species of birds can be found?
  26. Taj Mahal in India is a gift of love?
  27. India produces more movies than any other country in the world and Bollywood is the largest film industry in the world?
  28. Indians go out to the cinema about 3 billion times a year?
  29. India has about 800 dialects and 15 major Languages?
  30. Algebra, Calculus, and Trigonometry comes from India?
  31. India has health laughing clubs where people get together and laugh?
  32. India is the largest tea producer in the world?
  33. In Takshashila, 700BC, the first university was established?
  34. The biggest ant in India is about an inch?
  35. India used sugar before any other country?
  36. 4 major religions has India as birthplace Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism?
  37. India buys more gold than any other country?
  38. Curry powder gets its yellow color from a spice, turmeric?
  39. The number system and decimal system was invented in India?
  40. India is said to be the largest democracy in the world?
  41. India is also known as Hindustan or Bharat by natives?
  42. Before 1896 India was the only diamonds producing country in the world?
  43. Films made in Bollywood are often seen by people in South Africa?
  44. India is home to about 200 million cows?
  45. India is the world's number one producer of vegetarian cheese?
  46. The first bathrooms is said to have been built in India about 4500 years ago?
  47. India is home to about 1200 species of birds?
  48. India is the second most populated country in the world?
  49. Shampoo is derived word from Hindi?
  50. Taj Mahal is made entirely out of marble?

Sunday 5 February 2012

Fun facts about chocolate.

Chocolate is known as a delightful treat throughout the world and loved by almost all. Here in my blog i have a few fun facts you may not know about chocolate. 
  • Ancient Aztecs thought chocolate had magical powers; like the ability to give them strength. Chocolate was consumed by the ancient Aztecs as a frothy beverage, somewhat like hot chocolate we drink today. 
  • Chocolate contains over 300 mineral properties that are beneficial to your health. 
  • Chocolate comes from a plant, called Theobroma cacao, which translates "Food of the Gods". 
  • Dark chocolate has more antioxidants than green tea and just as many as blueberries.White chocolate really isn't chocolate. It's made from cocoa butter, the substance you get by pressing cocoa beans. Cocoa butter is absent of the cocoa solids used to make chocolate. 
  • Chocolate does contain chemical elements that really do boost your mood and produce a euphoric feeling. 
  • Eating gives you the same feeling as falling in love. This is probably why Valentine's Day and chocolate go hand in hand. 
  • Chocolate comes from the Aztec word "xocolatl" which means "bitter water".
  •  Switzerland is one of the top countries for chocolate consumption. 
  • The Swiss consume about 22 lbs of chocolate, per person, per year. Cocoa beans were used as currency by the Mayan and Aztec cultures.
  • Allowing chocolate to melt in your mouth produces the same or even stronger reactions as passionately kissing.
  •  Eating chocolate can also reduce the symptoms of stress. 
  • Chocolate is beneficial for proper blood flow to the lungs and other organs. The minerals in chocolate help to increase brain power and function. 
  • An English doctor prescribed chocolate to pregnant women as he believed it helped the fetus and embryo's development.